133 research outputs found

    Ageing Properties of Critical Systems

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    In the past few years systems with slow dynamics have attracted considerable theoretical and experimental interest. Ageing phenomena are observed during this ever-lasting non-equilibrium evolution. A simple instance of such a behaviour is provided by the dynamics that takes place when a system is quenched from its high-temperature phase to the critical point. The aim of this review is to summarize the various numerical and analytical results that have been recently obtained for this case. Particular emphasis is put to the field-theoretical methods that can be used to provide analytical predictions for the relevant dynamical quantities. Fluctuation-dissipation relations are discussed and in particular the concept of fluctuation-dissipation ratio (FDR) is reviewed, emphasizing its connection with the definition of a possible effective temperature. The Renormalization-Group approach to critical dynamics is summarized and the scaling forms of the time-dependent non-equilibrium correlation and response functions of a generic observable are discussed. From them the universality of the associated FDR follows as an amplitude ratio. It is then possible to provide predictions for ageing quantities in a variety of different models. In particular the results for Model A, B, and C dynamics of the O(N) Ginzburg-Landau Hamiltonian, and Model A dynamics of the weakly dilute Ising magnet and of a \phi^3 theory, are reviewed and compared with the available numerical results and exact solutions. The effect of a planar surface on the ageing behaviour of Model A dynamics is also addressed within the mean-field approximation.Comment: rvised enlarged version, 72 Pages, Topical Review accepted for publication on JP

    Aging and fluctuation-dissipation ratio for the diluted Ising Model

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    We consider the out-of-equilibrium, purely relaxational dynamics of a weakly diluted Ising model in the aging regime at criticality. We derive at first order in a Ï”\sqrt{\epsilon} expansion the two-time response and correlation functions for vanishing momenta. The long-time limit of the critical fluctuation-dissipation ratio is computed at the same order in perturbation theory.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Two-loop Critical Fluctuation-Dissipation Ratio for the Relaxational Dynamics of the O(N) Landau-Ginzburg Hamiltonian

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    The off-equilibrium purely dissipative dynamics (Model A) of the O(N) vector model is considered at criticality in an Ï”=4−d>0\epsilon = 4- d > 0 up to O(Ï”2\epsilon^2). The scaling behavior of two-time response and correlation functions at zero momentum, the associated universal scaling functions, and the nontrivial limit of the fluctuation-dissipation ratio are determined in the aging regime.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures. Discussion enlarged and two figures added. Final version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Colloidal aggregation and critical Casimir forces

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    A recent Letter [Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 156101 (2009)] reports the experimental observation of aggregation of colloidal particles dispersed in a liquid mixture of heavy water and 3-methylpyridine. The experimental data are interpreted in terms of a model which accounts solely for the competing effects of the interparticle electrostatic repulsion and of the attractive critical Casimir force. Here we show, however, that the reported aggregation actually occurs within ranges of values of the correlation length and of the Debye screening length ruled out by the proposed model and that a significant part of the experimental data presented in the Letter cannot be consistently interpreted in terms of such a model.Comment: 1 page, 1 figure; For the reply see arXiv:1007.077

    Finite-Size Scaling in the Driven Lattice Gas

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    We present a Monte Carlo study of the high-temperature phase of the two-dimensional driven lattice gas at infinite driving field. We define a finite-volume correlation length, verify that this definition has a good infinite-volume limit independent of the lattice geometry, and study its finite-size-scaling behavior. The results for the correlation length are in good agreement with the predictions based on the field theory proposed by Janssen, Schmittmann, Leung, and Cardy. The theoretical predictions for the susceptibility and the magnetization are also well verified. We show that the transverse Binder parameter vanishes at the critical point in all dimensions d≄2d\ge 2 and discuss how such result should be expected in the theory of Janssen et al. in spite of the existence of a dangerously irrelevant operator. Our results confirm the Gaussian nature of the transverse excitations.Comment: 40 pages, in honour of G. Jona-Lasini

    Dynamic crossover in the persistence probability of manifolds at criticality

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    We investigate the persistence properties of critical d-dimensional systems relaxing from an initial state with non-vanishing order parameter (e.g., the magnetization in the Ising model), focusing on the dynamics of the global order parameter of a d'-dimensional manifold. The persistence probability P(t) shows three distinct long-time decays depending on the value of the parameter \zeta = (D-2+\eta)/z which also controls the relaxation of the persistence probability in the case of a disordered initial state (vanishing order parameter) as a function of the codimension D = d-d' and of the critical exponents z and \eta. We find that the asymptotic behavior of P(t) is exponential for \zeta > 1, stretched exponential for 0 <= \zeta <= 1, and algebraic for \zeta < 0. Whereas the exponential and stretched exponential relaxations are not affected by the initial value of the order parameter, we predict and observe a crossover between two different power-law decays when the algebraic relaxation occurs, as in the case d'=d of the global order parameter. We confirm via Monte Carlo simulations our analytical predictions by studying the magnetization of a line and of a plane of the two- and three-dimensional Ising model, respectively, with Glauber dynamics. The measured exponents of the ultimate algebraic decays are in a rather good agreement with our analytical predictions for the Ising universality class. In spite of this agreement, the expected scaling behavior of the persistence probability as a function of time and of the initial value of the order parameter remains problematic. In this context, the non-equilibrium dynamics of the O(n) model in the limit n->\infty and its subtle connection with the spherical model is also discussed in detail.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures; minor changes, added one figure, (old) fig.4 replaced by the correct fig.

    Electrostatic interactions in critical solvents

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    The subtle interplay between critical phenomena and electrostatics is investigated by considering the effective force acting on two parallel walls confining a near-critical binary liquid mixture with added salt. The ion-solvent coupling can turn a non-critical repulsive electrostatic force into an attractive one upon approaching the critical point. However, the effective force is eventually dominated by the critical Casimir effect, the universal properties of which are not altered by the presence of salt. This observation allows a consistent interpretation of recent experimental data.Comment: Submitte
